Happy New Year everybody!

While I cannot foresee ALL projects I eventually work or not work on during the year to come, what I can tell is, that I got in touch with Slashing Dragon during the indiegogo campaign to fund development of OpenArthurianX6 RPG Engine and offered my help to translate the engine into German.
I also agreed to translate his classic roguelike game Ananias into German, once he finds the time to setup the basics.

Alas, no strings attached as of yet but a lot of exciting work to come I really look forward to getting my hands on 😀

Other than that, I plan to move all finished projects (and the corresponding downloads) to a dedicated site and leave this blog for “work in progress” projects only. I am already working on the HTML content so I hope to be able to move the content within the next weeks.

To you and your loved ones: Have a very good start into a splendid year 2018 🙂


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