Translating Serpent Isle into German: One year in

Today exactly one year has passed since I have OFFICIALLY started translating Serpent Isle into German. (You probably noticed that a lot of work and thought had been put into it since May 2017 to see if I would be able to do the translation.)

Hence, it’s a good time for a status report, of what it looks like atm as well as a short outlook on how I will go on from here.

I have made good progress over the last weeks and have been able to start and finish the swamp of Gorlab and the dream realm. In addition, White Dragon’s Castle has also been completed, so that the “translated” map of Serpent Isle currently looks like this:

Last updated 01.09.2019

As you can see, it’s getting somewhere – slowly but steadily. The colored – aka already translated – part no longer looks like a meandering macrame but has earned itself the proud name “area” meanwhile 😀

Next we leave for Moonshade, the last and biggest city of the island. And also the one with the longest and most dialogues. Before starting that, I will first take care of 20 open trade dialogues, which are also all on the account of Moonshade based traders. Once these two blocks have been completed, Milestone 4 is reached. If I can do this by the end of the year, I am already satisfied 🙂

From here I will work my way to the mountains of freedom, Monk’s Isle and the islands of Estram before travelling further north to the Gwani. The order in which I have arranged the progress bars on the “Status” page corresponds roughly with the order I intned to do the translating.

Fare thee well Avatars & thanks for your patience with me 🙂

Sir John

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