Version 1.0 (final) available

Hi everybody,

even the longest Betatest comes to an end eventually…

Time to announce the final German Language Patch for the Ultima 6 Project.

There are only few adjustments compared to Version Beta 5a, but I wanted to wait for the last betatests to finish. And since the game takes ‘a tad’ longer than a regular round of Tetris… *gg*

With this version the following issues have been addressed:
– some logical flaws have been addressed:
– The book “The First Age of Darkness” now speaks of “Sosaria” instead of “Britannia”
– Lord British mentions the lost moonstones and explains why the Orb of the Moons is black nowadays when it used to be of reddish colour
– The contradiction how long it takes to craft a magical shield has been compensated
– Ephemerides speaks about “Britannia” now, not longer of “Sosaria”
– 2 logical flaws addressed with Dargoth
– 3 or 4 more spelling corrections

I wish you all a gorgeous time in Britannia!


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