Author Archives: SirJohn


“Dweomer” – a word J.R.R. Tolkien stole from the 12th century. Lord British has been stealing it back (*1)
I have been researching on how to transcribe this best …and as of now: I failed. It is used as synonym … Weiterlesen

Ophidian Books

I have decided to revise the previously translated books of the old Ophidian population: After the death of Mondain, the Ophidian society has developed completely independently and uninfluenced by the rest of Sosaria over a long period of time. This … Weiterlesen

Gannt’s poems

Today I managed to finish the remaining two poems by Gannt. To make things more interesting (and in order to not post too many spoilers), this time I’ll post the original poems along the back-translated German versions. Enjoy!

The House

Sprites III

Dominus Dragon worked his magic and all 4 translated sprites have the correct offset again now and display fine in-game now. Kudos to him. YAY!
I’m still a bit hesitant to say it, but …it does seem that …ALL graphics … Weiterlesen

Three more books

Today I did three more books. Besides “The Rites of Cremation” and a recipe for “Trout Surprise” I translated Gannt’s first poem that I would like to share with you. This is the German version as posted above retranslated to … Weiterlesen