
Hi everybody,

I make really good progress with translating the convos of Ultima VI. Alas, I lightheadedly announce to be hoping to finish the core translation by September 😀 That means, bugfixing and looking for errors can begin then *gg* I think this is commonly called beta-test then…

I’m also quite pleased with my progress on the Nitpickers Patch, which now has 14 Nitpicks addressed so far. The last biggie for sure was the spelling of “Captain John(e)”‘s name. If you want to check it out please find the nitpicks addressed here:

And if you do: let me know, what you think of my solution – I hope I managed not to tread on anyone’s toes at least 😉

A link on that page also takes you to the password protected section of the page, that lists the corrections in detail. The password is still ‘showme’

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