I successfully managed to find a way to “translate” aka modify most of the in game graphics. I haven’t done them yet, mind you, but over the recent weeks I managed to come up with samples that showed up fine in-game.
Spell scrolls have given me a bit of a headache as the use something that is called “vector offset”, which is a feature, that GIMP cannot work with correctly (it is a known bug, not yet fixed).
But there is a huge silver lining: I got in touch with Dominus from the Exult Team in order to get the finished “Black Gate” translation working under Exult, and I spilled the beans to him regarding evaluating a Serpent Isle translation project, and thanks to his help with words and deeds I shall be able get all remaining “vector offset” graphics modified as well.
While I still don’t know how far this project will go: a massive “thank you” to him is due already!