The offset for the spites graphics is indeed mandatory as e.g. th in-game map is showing up shifted at the moment. I took the chance to translate both mountain ranges into German and sent all 4 sprites over to Dominus, … Weiterlesen
Category Archives: Ultima 7 – Serpent Isle
I’m making quite good progress. I have finished three of four text-bearing sprites (all of them land, location or treasure maps). Thank Gimp. I still need to test, if these will work without their offset – or if I have … Weiterlesen
Endgame translation
The translated endgame sequence done via HEXediting once more. It turned out ok, despite the very last line looking a bit odd as I needed to use the number instead of the word for “Us two are not done yet”… Weiterlesen
About Wealth and Ethics
This old Ophedian text about Wealth and Ethics was a tough nut to crack – although I am not sure why. It was the second paragraph in particular, that gave me headaches. It took awhile (which felt like “ages”) but … Weiterlesen
Second books …
Because if there are “First books”, there must be “Second books” as well,no? 😉
However: in the last weeks I have been working more and more on the translations of the books. A tedious business, but it is progressing slowly … Weiterlesen